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Podcast: Patch Management Tips, Tools and Patching Schedules

2 minutes read

Patch Management Tips, Best Practices for Patching, Patch Management Tools and Patching Schedules

Following on from our recent blog post, in this episode of Krome Cast: Tech-it-out we discuss in further detail why patch management is critical to all businesses; the best practices, along with the best patch management tips, tools and vulnerability scanning tools required to maintain effective security patching strategies for application, software and hardware patching.

In this easy to consume technology podcast, we also discuss how to manage your patching schedule, based on criticalities and inline with Cyber Essentials Plus recommendations.

This podcast features Krome’s Commercial Director, Sam Mager along with Krome’s CTO Rupert Mills, sharing their insights on security patching and automated patching tools.

For a more in-depth review of our patch management tips, read our patch management blog post.

Please do let us know in the comments if you have any questions or would like to talk to us about your patch management requirements.

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Our podcast series will feature in-depth discussions, covering a range of subjects including technology updates, tech challenges, trends, industry changes. Insights and best practices for IT leaders. Krome’s experience with client projects. How to overcome technical challenges. Considerations to make when embarking on specific upgrades, migrations, and installations. How-to guides and more!

Our technology podcast is also available in audio-only format on all of the major podcast platforms including Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts, it will also be available with full video content on our YouTube Channel.

To view some of our other podcasts please see some suggested episodes below

We really hope you enjoy our technology podcast sessions, if there’s anything you’d like us to cover please get in touch using the form below or add it in the comments section on YouTube.

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