Krome Podcast Coming Soon! TECH-IT-OUT

Krome launches industry-focused technology podcast, Krome Cast: TECH-IT-OUT

We are excited to announce that we are launching our own professional and informative technology podcast, keeping tech topics engaging, fun, and easy to consume.

If you’re navigating through the challenges of digital transformation, trying to build and maintain a stable and future-proof infrastructure, that meets the needs of your business, or you just want to keep up to date with the industry challenges and trends, please head over to our YouTube Channel and hit subscribe!

Our technology podcast will also be available in audio-only format on all of the major podcast platforms including Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts, it will also be available with full video content on our YouTube Channel.

Please watch our podcast trailer below, featuring our Commercial Director Sam Mager.

For those of you who know us, you know we have a strong culture and an even stronger technical knowledge, and this podcast has been created to enable us to engage with you and to share the knowledge that we have, to help you with the challenges that you are facing.

This year, our ability to have face-to-face time with our clients has been greatly diminished, so the aim of this podcast is to give us the capability, in these difficult times, to be able to communicate with you.

The podcast will feature in-depth discussions, covering a range of subjects including technology updates, tech challenges, trends, industry changes. Insights and best practices for IT leaders. Krome’s experience with client projects. How to overcome technical challenges. Considerations to make when embarking on specific upgrades, migrations, and installations. How-to guides and more!

We really hope you enjoy our technology podcast, if there’s anything you’d like us to cover please get in touch using the form below or add it in the comments section on YouTube.

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